According to Houston Eater, a coffee shop for gun enthusiasts is coming to The Woodlands.
The veteran owned coffee shop will be called Operator Coffee Co and according to their website they’ll be opening a Houston / The Woodlands location by Spring of 2018 as well as a Dallas location in the Summer of 2019 and a San Antonio location in the Fall of 2019.
Here’s what the companies about us page says:
“To us, Operator Coffee is more than a coffee shop, it’s a cause. We are a group of airborne veterans, special operations veterans, and active members of the shooting community. The idea for Operator Coffee was born out of a love for quality coffee and the desire for a way to get veterans and shooters together. When veterans leave the military it is easy for depression to set in. The loss of military and combat brotherhood, combined with a belief in being misunderstood by the civilian world can be overwhelming. With veteran suicide on the rise, we want to create a place for veterans to get together, reestablish that bond, and seek support from brothers and like minded individuals. Operator Coffee isn’t just for vets though, everyone in the 2a community is welcome to join in the fun. Our goal is to become the family favorite for all second amendment supporting citizens. Join us as we build a coffee company that supports the second amendment, veterans, law enforcement, and traditional conservative values.”
”If you believe in what we are trying to do and want to help support our mission here are a few ways. You can always swing by our online store for some awesome gear, you can check out investment opportunities, or donate to our cause via the button below.”
”Note: Operator Coffee is not a non-profit organization.”
You can donate to Operator Coffee here.
According to the quote on Houston Eater, from Operator Coffee owner Zack Weisenburger, “The shop is currently searching for locations along FM 1488 in The Woodlands. We will also serve as a place for combat veterans to mingle and “reestablish bonds.”
“I personally have had some friends commit suicide over the last few years because they were dealing with PTSD and felt alone and disconnected after leaving the military,” says Weisenberger. “We want to give these men and women a place to go.”
Follow Operator Coffee Co. here: